Brown Angola Wool Product Product Product
Place of Origin: |
, China (Mainland) |
Product Detail
Brown Angola Wool,Animal Fibers
The premium first quality wool is taken from the back and upper sides of the rabbit. This is usually the longest and cleanest fibre on the rabbit.There should not be hay or vegetable matter in the fibre. Second quality is from the neck and lower sides,Website:, and may have some vegetable matter. Third quality is the buttocks and legs and any other areas that easily felt and are of shorter length. Fourth quality is totally unsalvageable, and consists of the larger felted bits or stained fibre. Third and fourth quality are perfect for cutting up for birds to use in lining their nests. With daily brushing, felting of the fibre can be avoided, increasing the usable portion of fibre.Angora wool is commonly used in apparel such as sweaters and suitings, knitting yarn, and felting.
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